Driving Directions to Cedar Ridge Estates

The Cedar Ridge Estates office is located at 235 W. Cleveland in St. Johns, on the north side of Hwy 61 across from the city library.
Private tours by appointment only.
Call: 800-966-6690
A) Take Hwy 87 to Payson, turn right in Payson onto Hwy 260 to Heber. In Heber turn left onto Hwy 277 to Snowflake. Continue straight through Snowflake to Concho. Once in Concho turn left onto Hwy 61 to St. Johns and to the office.
B) Take Hwy 60 to Miami and Globe. Continue through Globe, then left at Hwy 60/Show Low turnoff. Continue straight through Show Low heading east 10 miles to the junction of Hwy 60/61 bear left onto Hwy 61, to St. Johns and to the office.
Take Hwy 89 to Oracle Junction, turn right on Hwy 77. You will dead end onto Hwy 70 at Globe. Turn left, go 1 mile, then turn right onto Hwy 60. Continue straight through Show Low heading east 10 miles to the junction of Hwy 60/61 bear left onto Hwy 61, to St. Johns and to the office.
Thank you for your inquiry about our Cedar Ridge Estates properties in the beautiful high country of northeastern Arizona. These properties are being offered for the first time. Prices start as low as $35,900, with a low down payment, no qualifying seller financing and monthly payments as little as $309.
Each Cedar Ridge Estates property has been contour surveyed to maximize the terrain features and views. From lush rolling hills to wooded ridges set amid spectacular rock formations and towering rock mesas Cedar Ridge Estates has it! Best of all, each and every parcel offers a quiet and secluded setting for RVing or to build your family’s dream vacation cabin on.
First United Realty has been the leading provider of private land in Arizona for over 35 years. We have thousands of satisfied customers who now proudly own a family ranch as well as a valued legacy to pass down to future generations.
The properties must really be seen to be fully appreciated. Call today to schedule a time to walk the land. My tours offer a unique view into the spectacular history of the region as well as information on the local wildlife and numerous historical points of interest in the area.
Appointments are a must to assure I’ll be on hand to greet you and guide you into the ranch.