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Arizona Land and Ranches for Sale by First United Realty

Land for sale in Arizona…spacious and pristine… land that many quite rightly call “The Vanishing America.” A peaceful world apart. Stake your claim to a large tract of this vanishing Arizona wilderness. A unique treasure to enjoy now and to preserve and pass on to future generations ahead. First United Realty sells virtually all types of land in Arizona. 36 acre Arizona ranches and homesteads situated in secluded wilderness settings or fully improved forested cabin sites near charming small towns, we have it! All in carefully selected, spectacularly scenic areas of Arizona. First United Realty offers you the opportunity to own a large (yet affordable) retreat…far removed from the crowds, smog and stress of metropolitan living, yet convenient to necessities. Yours to enjoy for weekend getaways, unforgettable vacations or permanent residence. First United Realty is a third generation, family owned company, that for over 45 years has helped over 12,000 families acquire their perfect land. 

We invite you to call us to discuss your perfect piece of Arizona land. For additional information and to request a brochure, please call (800) 966-6690.

Northern Arizona land for sale, unchanged and unspoiled. Sierra Highlands Ranch is a majestic wilderness land set amid lush stands of pinon and juniper woodlands, sweeping valleys carpeted with colorful wildflowers and is home to free roaming elk, deer and antelope. If you have dreamed of a cabin site in a truly secluded and quiet northern Arizona location, then you will want to be a ranch owner at Sierra Highlands Ranch a select offering of 36 acre ranchsites for sale, secluded deep within one of Arizona’s most beautiful, private ranches.

Choose your perfect ranch terrain whether it be heavily wooded throughout, blends of trees and meadowland, dramatic ridgetop overlooks or all rich pastureland. Each has its own unique palette of vivid colors, its own particular character and its own outstanding selection of cabin sites.

Here is where you can truly live self sufficiently on this lush northern Arizona land. With a mild four season climate and rich sandy loam soil base, the land is ideal for growing a wide range of vegetables and fruit trees.

As a Sierra Highlands Ranch property owner you will have access to northern Arizona’s largest and most abundant water aquifer, with depths that are economical for drilling.

This land of tranquility, quiet and privacy can be a unique home for those with the foresight and the vision to acquire their part of it.

Your investment in this northern Arizona land at Sierra Highlands Ranch can not only fulfill today’s dream to possess your own high country ranch, it can also secure a legacy of land ownership for your family for generations to come.


Only 17% of the land in ARIZONA is private!

Ownership of private land in Arizona is limited to only 17% of the State.

smr_home_2aTrue Sustainable Living.

With over 300 days of warm sunshine a year, owners can live a truly sustainable, self sufficient outdoor life. Domestic and irrigation water is via private wells. Ranch owners have drilling rights into the massive Coconino Aquifer below, the largest freshwater basin in northern Arizona. Depths to water are economical and drilling rights are included with ownership.

Buy with confidence.

First United Realty is Arizona’s largest, legacy land company with over 10,000 satisfied property buyers in its family of land owners. For over 40 years First United and its predecessor, First United Service Corporation, have acquired only the finest quality recreational and residential properties in Arizona, and made them available to anyone seeking a quiet retreat of their own, far from the hassle of the city, where people can truly experience the beauty of nature.

Your investment in this northern Arizona land at Sierra Highlands Ranch can not only fulfill today’s dream to possess your own high country ranch, it can also secure a legacy of land ownership for your family for generations to come. For additional information and to request a brochure, please call 602-264-0000.




Lush, scenic, fertile land at very affordable prices


36 acres from only $795/acre $249 per month


  • Guaranteed Seller Financing
  • Free Well Access
  • Maintained Roads
  • Build, Camp, RV

Prime Northern Arizona ranchland for sale, unchanged and unspoiled. Sierra Highlands Ranch is a majestic wilderness land set amid lush stands of pinon and juniper woodlands and sweeping valleys carpeted with colorful wildflowers and native grasses. If you have dreamed of a cabin site in a truly secluded and quiet northern Arizona location, then you will want to be a ranch owner at Sierra Highlands Ranch, a select offering of 36+ acre homesteads  secluded deep within one of Arizona’s most beautiful private ranches.

Choose your perfect ranch terrain whether it be heavily wooded throughout, blends of trees and meadowland, dramatic ridgetop overlooks or all rich pastureland. Each has its own unique palette of vivid colors, its own particular character and its own outstanding selection of cabin sites.

Here is where you can truly live self sufficiently on this lush northern Arizona land. With a mild four season climate and rich sandy loam soil base, the land is ideal for growing a wide range of vegetables and fruit trees.

As a Sierra Highlands Ranch property owner you will have access to northern Arizona’s largest and most abundant water aquifer, with depths that are economical for drilling.

This land of tranquility, quiet and privacy can be a unique home for those with the foresight and the vision to acquire their part of it.

Your investment in this northern Arizona land at Sierra Highlands Ranch can not only fulfill today’s dream to possess your own high country ranch, it can also secure a legacy of land ownership for your family for generations to come.

For additional information and to request a brochure, please call 602-264-0000.

We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Reasons to Buy

  • Sierra Highlands Ranch property owners also have exclusive free access to the ranch’s convenience well. The well is powered by a state of the art solar pump which delivers water into twin 5,000 gallon storage tanks. Dual spigots speed the water delivery into RV tanks and water haulers. Land owners have access to the well 24/7 as part of their ownership privileges within the ranch.
  • Some of the northern Arizona’s most spectacular scenery surrounds every Sierra Highlands Ranch property. Lush mountain valleys, multi-hued cliff faces, stunning rock and boulder formations, and snowcapped mountains abound.
  • Every Sierra Highlands Ranch property has been surveyed and designed around the natural features of the land. Highset portions such as hilltops and ridgelines are usually positioned towards the center of each ranch to provide added setbacks and privacy from adjoining ownerships. A blending of wooded areas mixed with pockets of open meadowlands is a common design layout, but not the only choice. Landscape selections include a wide range of topographical diversity. Rugged ridgelines, gently rolling hills, lush open meadows, and gently sloping rises leading to prominent hilltops are now available.
  • Emphasis on views and privacy was of prime importance on the survey design of each Sierra Highlands Ranch property. Every property offers a wide selection of secluded building sites each of which have panoramic views in all directions.
  • All Sierra Highlands Ranch properties are accessed by well constructed ranch roads, which are maintained to stay that way.
  • The climate at Sierra Highlands Ranch is quite possibly the very best possible. (See the monthly weather, data chart in the enclosed brochure). Each month of the year is pleasant. Daytime temperatures are never too hot or too cold to enjoy horseback riding, hiking, gardening, or working on the family cabin.
  • The rich sandy loam soils and cool highlands elevations combine to produce excellent growing conditions. Farms and back yards in nearby St. Johns raise wheat, corn, potatoes, apples, peaches, tomatoes, cherries and many other garden vegetables and fruits.