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Northeastern Arizona is land of scenic vistas, clean mountain air and quiet seclusion. It is home to free roaming herds of elk, deer and antelope which feed on its rich native range grasses and find shelter within its evergreen woodlands. Horizon Ranch is a small collection of private 37 acre ranch parcels now available for private deeding in this lush high country wilderness 25 minutes north of St. Johns, Arizona.

The ranch is situated high atop the scenic Colorado Plateau.  At a cool-clear 6,200 elevation, the land is spread out over a series of high set ridgelines and gently rolling hills that blend into areas of lush open meadows carpeted with mountain wildflowers and nutrient rich grasses. There are a variety of landscapes and view orientations to choose from. Aromatic evergreens, gently rolling terrain, and sweeping wilderness views are all here. The land remains in a pristine natural condition. Anasazi Indian artifacts are found throughout the ranch. Ranch owners commonly retrieve pottery shards, spear points and arrowheads that were crafted by the Anasazi over 1,000 years ago.

Each property here is unique and offers a variety of building sites, solar exposures and far reaching views across the surrounding mountains and valleys. This is peaceful land where dark sky nights and quiet solitude come with your ownership. Many of the ranch’s spacious 37 acre properties border State of Arizona Trust lands. These expansive 640 acre tracts of undisturbed woodlands are held in trust and provide a quiet and scenic backdrop to neighboring Horizon Ranch owners.

The weather at this elevation is ideal. The White Mountains to the south together with the Mogollon Rim to the west, form and almost continuous barrier protecting the area from severe winters and creating a warm  semi-arid climate. Horizon Ranch averages 325 days of sunshine each year, allowing its property owners the ability to enjoy outdoor activities year round. The 6,200 foot elevation offers four distinct seasons, each with their own unique qualities.  Winters are sunny and mild with several light snowfalls rarely remaining on the land for more than a day or two. High temperatures in the winter months average 55 degrees under bright sunny skies. Summers are warm and clear with average high temperatures in the mid 80's. July and August bring the arrival of the annual monsoon rains that cool the air and bring out the native grasses and mountain wildflowers.

Each ranch parcel has been surveyed and its boundary corners monumented by licensed surveyors. All parcels are served by well constructed graded ranch roads built upon County recorded easements, providing legal-title insured access to each Horizon Ranch property. The road network is maintained by the Horizon Ranch owners through a modest once a year maintenance assessment.

Domestic and irrigation water is via private wells- you can drill your own on your land.  Horizon Ranch sits atop the largest and most dependable groundwater source in northern Arizona, the Coconino Aquifer. As a Horizon Ranch owner, you have drilling rights into this abundant aquifer at depths that are economical. With such an abundance of groundwater below the ranch, the State water department exempts ranch owners from the requirement to obtain a permit prior to drilling. This is not the case in many areas of Arizona.

Each property is blanketed with a thick mantle of sandy loam soil free of surface rock. The soft soils provide the perfect growing medium for abundant yields of vegetables and fruits. Area growers harvest abundant yields of apples, peaches, cherries, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, lettuce and alfalfa, to name just a few.

As a Horizon Ranch owner you have the freedom to use your land free of Homeowner Association rules and regulations. There are no CC&R’s (deed restrictions) and no homeowner’s association dues to pay. Liberal zoning allows owners to use their land for residential, recreational, and agricultural uses. RV use and camping is allowed at any time. You may build on your land whenever you wish and however you wish. No committee approvals are required.

If you want large parcel ownership in a quiet wilderness setting, then you will want to walk the properties of Horizon Ranch and choose the perfect one for you and your family. Your investment in Horizon Ranch will not only fulfill today’s dream of owning your own high country ranch, it can also be a valuable legacy to hand down to future generations of your family yet to come.