Ranch Facts and Pricing

10% Downpayment
8% Interest Rate

20% Downpayment
7.5% Interest Rate
3% Discount

30% Downpayment
7% Interest Rate
5% Discount

7% Discount

Pricing and Terms

Ranch land parcel prices vary according to actual size, location and specific features of the ranch.

Ranch pricing starts at only $29,800 with monthly payments of only $257  based on a 15 year term of fixed monthly payments.

Choose from several affordable plans:

10% down payment                                             8% Interest       15 Year Term

20% Down Payment                3% Discount      7.5% Interest     15 Year Term

30% Down or More                5% Discount         7% Interest      15 Year Term

Cash                                       7% Discount

Financing is guaranteed. There are no closing costs, no credit checks, no qualifying requirements, no early payoff penalties and all loans are fully assumable.

All ranches are title insured by Pioneer Title Insurance Company and all payments are made directly to them to assure the proper accounting of the purchaser’s funds.

All ranch land parcels at Sierra Highlands Ranch are served by well constructed private roads along County recorded easements. Maintenance of this network is well funded and responsive. The corners of each ranch are clearly monumented by licensed surveyors.

Sensible use guidelines assure tasteful use and preservation of the fine wilderness environment.

Prices, finance plans and parcel availability are subject to change without notice.

Reasons to Buy in Sierra Highlands Ranch

  • Some of the northern Arizona’s most spectacular scenery surrounds every Sierra Highlands Ranch property. Lush mountain valleys, multi-hued cliff faces, stunning rock and boulder formations, and snowcapped mountains abound.
  • Every Sierra Highlands Ranch property has been surveyed and designed around the natural features of the land. Highset portions such as hilltops and ridgelines are usually positioned towards the center of each ranch to provide added setbacks and privacy from adjoining ownerships. A blending of wooded areas mixed with pockets of open meadowlands is a common design layout, but not the only choice. Landscape selections include a wide range of topographical diversity. Rugged ridgelines, gently rolling hills, lush open meadows, and gently sloping rises leading to prominent hilltops are now available.
  • Emphasis on views and privacy was of prime importance on the survey design of each Sierra Highlands Ranch property. Every property offers a wide selection of secluded building sites each of which have panoramic views in all directions.
  • Sierra Highlands Ranch property owners also have exclusive free access to the ranch's new convenience well. The well is powered by a state of the art solar pump system which delivers water into twin 5,000 gallon holding tanks. Dual spigots speed the water delivery into RV tanks and water haulers. Land owners have access to the well 24/7 as part of their ownership privileges.
  • All Sierra Highlands Ranch properties are accessed by well constructed ranch roads, which are maintained to stay that way.
  • Sierra Highlands Ranch enjoys some of the finest year-round weather found anywhere in the southwest. Each month of the year is pleasant. Daytime temperatures are never too hot or too cold to enjoy horseback riding, hiking, gardening, or working on the family cabin.
  • The rich sandy loam soils and cool-sunny highlands elevations combine to produce excellent growing conditions. Area gardeners produce abundant harvests of apples, peaches, pears, apricots, cherries, corn  potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, kale, lettuce, cucumbers, beans, carrots and many other garden vegetables and fruits.