Chevelon Canyon Ranch is SOLD OUT. Resales are available.

9 + 5 =

If you have dreamed of a cabin site in a truly secluded and quiet northern Arizona location, then you will want to be an owner at Chevelon Canyon Ranch. The Ranch is ideally located just north of Heber, Arizona and the Sitgreaves National Forest’s scenic Mogollon Rim recreational area. The Ranch is situated at a cool, clear 5,800’ elevation and enjoys comfortable year round weather.

The water at Chevelon Canyon Ranch is just the way it comes from mother nature. No artificial filtering, no unpleasant residue. Thanks to the wondrous creation of the earth itself, the Coconino sandstone aquifer, you will be a property owner with private well access to the largest water 
supply in northern Arizona. 
Two on-site convenience wells are always available to Ranch owners for either temporary or permanent water hauling.

Ranch terrain includes dense stands of evergreens, meadow, blends of trees and meadows, level open grassy portions mixed with gently terraced wooded hillsides or along scenic canyon frontages with their seasonally flowing creeks. Each ranch site has been custom surveyed in concert with these natural features. The result is an outstanding selection of cabin sites within each property that afford every owner sweeping views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Your investment in this northern Arizona land at Chevelon Canyon Ranch can not only fulfill today’s dream to possess your own high country ranch, it can also secure a legacy of land ownership for your family for generations to come.